Channel Guide

Welcome to the Channel Guide. You'll find descriptions of all our channels and categories.

Please note that if you click on any of the headings of the channel groups (such as ADMINISTRATIVE, INFORMATION, PROJECTS, etc), it will hide all the channels and show only those channels that have new messages. This is a feature and not a bug :) If you wish to see all the channels under the heading, just click on the heading again and all the channels will be visible again. TADAAA!

Here you can find the descriptions for the existing channels on the server:


support : use this channel to open a support ticket (please see the detailed  🛠️Support Guide  before asking questions on this server, thank you!)


These channels are visible to the TAs and not to the students:
onboarding: for all general onboarding queries
ta-announcements: All TAs must stay tuned to this channel for the latest updates from the organizers. We urge you not to disable notifications for this channel.
pod-dynamics-helpdesk: for queries related to different technical or social aspects of handling pods from diverse backgrounds. Sensitive matters should be addressed via tickets.
attendance-helpdesk: for all queries related to attendance at NMA-DL and how it can affect the student’s eligibility for a certificate.
finance-helpdesk: please email  for finance help
lead-ta-discussion: (visible only to lead TAs) for discussions among lead TAs
general-ta-discussion: for discussion of topics common to all TAs
project-ta-discussion: (visible only to project TAs) for discussions among project TAs


Visible to TAs and consultants who created the content.
To the TAs: please post the queries in the relevant channel (wxdx). Consultants will be added as needed to the channel to answer your questions related to the tutorials.
general-content-help : Watch this space for content-related announcements. Post any content-related queries that are not specific to any day/tutorial here.
Please note, Monday of week 3 is reserved for projects. And w3d1 is actually on Tuesday of week 3.


These channels are visible to all students and TAs:
mentoring-help: Where students can ask the TAs for mentoring help
technical-help: Students can ask technical questions about the code or algorithms here
knowledge-exchange: Are you an expert in a domain and willing to help out or if you think your specialty could be useful to someone, please post here so others can find you! Introduce yourself in this channel with details about your expertise/speciality so that students/TAs looking for help in that domain can contact you directly via DM.
data-{category} : Need a project TA with expertise to drop into your pod, or have any questions that you want to ask related to your project? This would be the right channel to ask for that.
{other categories}: Ask category-related questions or have discussions about neuroscience-related projects


announcements-all: everyone should stay tuned to this channel for the latest updates from the organizers.  We urge you not to disable notifications for this channel.
asiapacific-announcements: watch this space for announcements specific to the Asia-Pacific timezone
europeafrica-announcements: watch this space for announcements specific to the Europe-Africa timezone
americas-announcements: watch this space for announcements specific to the Americas timezone
rules: This is a community server. All community servers on discord must follow certain rules. Please check out this channel to see what is and isn't allowed on this server, including what kind of content and behavior is or isn't encouraged and tolerated. 
jobs-board: looking for a job? Quickly browse through job postings in this channel. You can see the full descriptions of the postings or post a new job opening using this link: 


introductions: when you first join the server, please introduce yourself in this channel :) 
global-general: use this channel to have general discussions with NMAers 
asiapacific-general: use this channel to have general discussions with NMAers from Asia-Pacific
europeafrica-general: use this channel to have general discussions with NMAers from Europe-Africa
americas-general: use this channel to have general discussions with NMAers from the Americas
literature-sharing: Use this channel to share literature and background resources related to tutorials and projects!
bot-testing: for testing bot commands (see  External Bots  and  🤖Discord Bot Setup ) 
off-topic: for random topics not necessarily related to the course and its content 


We have regular crowdcast prof dev sessions. Check out the channels listed under this heading for interactions with the speaker(s) from the session, or any discussion related to the sessions.


Done with coding for the day and need a break? Just want to hang out with people and have deep/not-so-deep conversations, just… not about deep learning right after the tutorials? We’ve got you covered! You don’t have to restrict your social group to your pod/megapod! Please use the channels here for socializing with other students, TAs, support staffers and organizers, and have fun!
pets: Have pets? Please share their pictures! :) We all can use some emotional support from pets after making it through the tutorials/projects for the day (or even mid-tutorials)!
music: What’s your favorite band? Have a playlist that would help students get in the ‘zone’ for DL? Share music or have any music related discussions here.
gaming:  Gamers of NMA-DL unite! Share which games you like to play and find fellow players (you could even form gaming groups via group DM if you want)!
social-general: feel like socializing but don’t see a channel that fits your needs? Please use this channel for general socializing with all of NMA-DL.
social voice chat 1: tired of texting or just want to talk to someone? Join this channel and start having fun voice conversations with others on this server. Meet new people! Or you could post in one of the channels of your interest and mention that you will be hopping into the voice chat channel, so others can join you here if they want.
activity-center: this channel is used for starting games, activities, or discussion in discord. It is a way to interact with other students/TAs on the server. Start a study session, challenger someone in a chess match, or just unwind with some gartic phone.
contest: watch out this space for announcements about various contests that will happen sometime during the course
t-shirt design
pod logo


You will have access to some of these channels if you self identify with a specific role (visit #rules channel for details about the gender/race/LGBTQ+ roles)
open-discussion: for open and honest discussions involving diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)


megapod-name-TA-chat: (visible only to TAs within the megapod) introduce yourself and use this channel to meet and have discussions with other TAs from your megapod. For instance, you could use this space to plan social events for your megapod :)
megapod-name-general-chat: introduce yourself and use this channel to meet other students and TAs from your megapod 
pod-name : the channel with your pod’s name is going to be your “home” for the rest of the course. Visible to you, your pod-mates and your TA to exchange messages and share resources. Looking for your zoom link? It will be pinned to this channel.