Bot Usage Guide

Below are some examples of how to use the bots available on our discord server. When in doubt, it is always a good idea to consult the docs of the specific bot.

Friend time

Set up your timezone with: /set me
Now when you add a TZ to message, a clock emoji auto appears. React with a clock emoji to get a DM with the time from the message converted to your set timezone.


This bot is used to generate fun models using the decentralized compute layer known as skynet. It distributes work and records transaction to workers using blockchain technology. You can choose models, configure params, and create images from text, or from images. Some basic commands are:
/txt2img enter prompt here
/img2img entry prompt here - you must attach an image
/help - this will should you how to use the bot

Note: this bot will only work in the #skynet channel, under the social category.

To use the /help command, after typing it in, hit Esc to get out of the automated menu for the other bots, then hit Enter.

You can also use the buttons as well. See below for an example:

MathBot (calculation, notation, graph bot)

Note: all images below use the outdated = command. You should use / from now on.
You should always use the / before all the commands of the MathBot, /help, /latex, /calc type your equation or calculation here 
Allows you to make calculations (/calc):
Using MathBot, it is easy to prompt latex notation by /latex command:
Do calculations using wolfram alpha queries of functions and see plots (/wolf):