Corporation Details

Legal Company Name: Neuromatch, Inc.
Note: Neuromatch, Inc. was originally named Neuromatch Academy, Inc. It was changed in 2021 to Neuromatch, Inc. to represent the merger of our educational and scientific collaboration activities. This name update is captured in documentation on our network drive.
Employer Identification Number (EIN): 85-1264716 (851264716)
Corporation and Nonprofit Exemption Type: 501(c)(3) (Determination Letter Below)

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Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): FS17UK3FLBV3
DUNS Number: 117782606
Company Phone Number: +1 503-512-9165
Note: This is a Google Voice phone number and is managed via the admin panel of our Google Workspace. This number is used on many legal documents and should not be changed.
Company Mailing Address:
9450 SW Gemini Dr
PMB 70309
Beaverton, Oregon 97008-7105
United States
Congressional District OR-006
Note: Our corporation legal address is in limbo as the IRS is several years behind on updating company addresses. In many services, it still appears as our old address in Irvine, California.

Other erroneous addresses may include 11978 S Fort Draper Avenue in Utah (an old address used on some documents).
Registered Agent:
Cogency Global Inc.
850 New Burton Road
Suite 201
County of Kent
Dover, Delaware 19904
United States

Our corporation is foreign registered in the following states in the United States:
  • Delaware, Utah, New York

Our corporation is registered as a charity in the following states in the United States:
  • New York, Pennsylvania, and California

Important Government System Registrations we maintain:
  • System of Award Management ( )
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  •  Grants.Gov 