Curriculum Chair Responsibilities

Each course will have a Curriculum Chair with experience in that specific domain.

As the Curriculum Chair, you will work closely with the Course Director and Day Leads to lead the development or updates to the course materials.

The stage of course development highly impacts the role of the Curriculum Chair. Below I've split out the responsibilities into 2 sections: New Course & 2nd Year Courses that Need Substantial Updates & Stable Course with Minimal Updates

New Course & 2nd Year Courses that Need Substantial Updates

Work with Course Director to establish Vision for the course and learning objectives for the whole Academy
Develop prerequisites and audience
Develops Learning Objectives for each day
Specifically review content for flow and scaffolding across days
Participate in the small core group that reviews curriculum (work w/ Course Director)
Give input for Student acceptance criteria & TA acceptance criteria based on subject matter and course audience
Support and manage Day Leads
Work closely with Curriculum Specialists

Stable Course with Minimal Updates

Review previous course feedback to determine potential areas of improvement.
Select one day to update for the course. If two days are highly connected, potentially two days but no more than that.
Create new learning objectives and a new proposal for improving the day you select
If you do not plan to do the day updates yourself, recruit a Day Lead to create the content
Provide clear instructions and guidance to Day Lead about content construction requirements
Coordinate reviews for all new material and participate as a reviewer