

Welcome to the CuCurriculum Team. Each course has a Curriculum Chair that has expertise in the specific course domain! The Curriculum Team for each course is responsible for visioning and developing the curriculum.

To get started here, everybody should review  Our Pedagogical Approach and Philosophy 

See related documents for your role below to see how you can help in this department.

Asana Project & Timeline

Slack Channel(s)

Neuro AI:

Team Roles

CuCurriculum Team
Role Description
Related Documents
CN Curriculum Chair
DL Curriculum Chair
Climate Curriculum Chair
OhOhad Zivan
Neuro AI Curriculum Chair
PaPatrick Mineault
Curriculum Specialist
Produce content
Work closely w/ Day lead
Project manage — report statuses, send for and track review
Find and package data — for curriculum and projects
Make github commits
Define prerequisites for applications
Project coding review
Project content formatting
(copyright checking)
Neuro AI: SaSamuele Bolotta
HlHlib Solodzhuk
Climate: PaPaul Heubel
Day Lead
A Day Lead is a single person responsible for a whole day of curriculum content. The Day Lead is welcome to have as many people support their efforts as they like, but ultimately they are responsible for the completion of all work.Tasks that the Day Lead must see to completion by themselves or their team:
Producing an outline for the day : include day-wide and tutorial specific learning objectives. Curriculum Chair might also provide these for you depending on course.
Creating/updating all tutorials : pre-recorded mini-lectures, written content and python coding exercises in Jupyter Notebooks. These must all adhere to our templates and be CC BY Licensed.
Sharing these materials via our Github repository. Help is available from our technical team.
Creating a small set of content-based survey questions that correspond to learning objectives.
Responding to and incorporating two sets of reviewer comments.
Depending on the course, recruiting a keynote speaker for the day and obtaining a recorded talk.
Optional but encouraged: During the course, join the digital conversation space during the session devoted to the Day Lead's materials at least once to respond to questions posed by students and TAs.

Depending on the course, a paid Curriculum Specialist will also support the Day Lead by helping build coding exercises and reviewing materials.
Expertise in the domain
Experience with course creation, instructional design, and educational methods applicable to domain
Help with material review during reviews 2 and 3, and potentially 1 and the final review
Provide constructive feedback and suggestions on the content including the order of content, use of interactive activities, and whether it's the appropriate difficulty
Content Creators

Areas of Responsibility & Overlap

Visioning the Curriculum

The Curriculum Chair and Course Director work together with the Domain Advisory Committee to create an overall vision for the course.

Creating Scaffolding and Connections

Curriculum Chair develops more specific plan including the learning objectives and focus for each day.

Developing Learning Objectives

Curriculum Chair develops Learning Objectives for each day

Student Prerequisites & TA Acceptance Criteria

Curriculum Chair works with the  NotebookRegistrar  Chair to determine student review criteria and acceptance criteria
Curriculum Chair works with  BackpackInstruction  Chair to define TA Acceptance Criteria
For new courses, Curriculum Chair & Course Director work together to create the  Graduation CapPortal Application Questions  for both TAs and Students

Managing Day Leads

The Curriculum Chair is responsible for recruiting, managing, and communicating with Day Leads
The Course Director and Domain Advisory Committee should also help with Day Lead suggestions and outreach
Curriculum Specialists also support the Day Leads during production of the course

Guidance for Day Leads - How to Build a Tutorial

Curriculum Chair is responsible for providing Day Leads clear guidance and expectations.

Curriculum Review Process

Curriculum Specialists work with Day Leads to coordinate the review process.
The Curriculum Chair works with the Course Director to provide a review of the content.
There is not currently a defined review process

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