Development Goal: Improve Credit and Tracking Systems

Our community and volunteers have expressed credit for their contributions as the highest priority item to bring value to their volunteering experience.

What Does Success Look Like?

A way to accurately track volunteer contributions and roles so that they can be written to or posted in some public forum that is reference-able and archival.

How to Measure Success

Percentage of volunteers present in the system and credited
Surveys on the experience/results

Constraints or Requirements

  • Must post at least twice per year

Discussions or Decisions


To achieve this goal, there are several systems or challenges we have to create or overcome. They are roughly in order of completion since subgoals build upon previous subgoals.

To start working on one of these, create a team page under Research and Development, and then claim that subgoal with that team by adding your team page link in the appropriate column. Read more at  ScientistResearch and Development .

Team Page Link
Register with RoR and GRiD as an organization to be referenced in journal systems and ORCID
Need to complete registration form. — What's the status of this?
Update airtable gallery view to more accurately represent active and past volunteers
Done — have active and past vols based on end date of volunteering
Create a system for requesting and fulfilling letters of recommendation.
The system should make it easy for volunteers to express 'who' can likely write you a letter of recommendation. A problem that needs to be solved about how to serve people who weren't worked with as a closely by leadership. For example, are peer letters of recommendation possible to setup?
Volunteer Buddy Program
New volunteers get matched with an existing volunteer to help them get started
Volunteer Team/Board/Group?
Have a few volunteers how oversee volunteer recognition year-around? Do social events?
Volunteer certificates?
Provide something to show peoples participation?
Link the volunteer page to the course book?
Add CRedIT style recognition for course book git hub and include the volunteers who don't do the coding stuff


Goal and Type of Recognition:

  • Within the org among peers
  • External for use to build career / for others to be able to see?
  • Why is this important and why does it matter to volunteers?

  • CRediT Taxonomy: 
  • Very author specific — might be good for curriculum specific
  • Turing Way example: 
  • All Contributors Bot: 
  • Contributors/Community Members (any level of contribution) vs. Authors (substantial contribution)
  • They do a new DOI for each time that publish and make big changes. Include everyone as author - authorship in cumulative (people are just added, not removed over time)
  • "Substantial" is a subjective term. As the project is quite small at the moment, the lead investigator Dr Kirstie Whitaker, will decide whether a contribution or collection of contributions is substantial enough to be given authorship. She can be contacted by email at .
  • not really scalable or equitable
  • Addition example from JiJimmy Pulido Arias: Linux Foundation example: 
  • Could use this type of system for creating our course materials —

How to mirror a system like this for things that take place outside of github

How to make this historically accurate — i don't want to create a system that erases past contributions

  • have to use API to get orcid id info, and not manual entry
  • Create or connect interface
  • Does it make sense to track volunteer contributions through a system that is primarily research-focused?
  • If there's no "output" could we still use this system for
  • Need for ongoing outreach to use id once someone has signed up

What we have:
  • airtable system with role and duration of role
  • Often times people help with other things that aren't tracked in the system
  • how to add experience to LinkedIn:  🧑‍🤝‍🧑Sharing Your Volunteer Experience 
  • Highly involved volunteer recognized in closing ceremonies
  • There is a volunteer Kudos form - was not widely adopted Crying Face see  People Holding HandsVolunteer Management 

we could add a post-one-month check in — if someone isn't on slack or hasn't joined a group they don't get added?

people are required to do an orientation to get put on the website?

we track what we're able to — have a form for things i did that i want added to the website!
  • Additional Roles field?
  • Volunteers can find themselves in a form, fill in what they did that's not otherwise represented, that will be added to their card on the website?

Previously, people submitted a form for authorship on items and included what they helped w/ and how. We could do this a few times a few?

Volunteer Recognition

  • Volunteer shoutouts on slack/social media | volunteer profiles
  • Could do at a regular cadence (weekly, or a focus of a month)
  • In the past we've done artist rendition of the volunteer
  • Has been under comms
  • Have people share public shoutouts / keep an eye on channels to see when big tasks are complete
  • What are the big reasons that people join as volunteers

Integration w/ Airtable

  • Is there a way to connect Asana and Airtable

** Section the website by team — include the chair and the rest of the team

Automated slack message 2 weeks and a month after signing up?
  • Could set up through airtable maybe?
  • Or airtable message to me - and i send a check in slack.
  • If people don't reply in a week mark them as inactive?
  • Maybe another message at 4 months?

Prepare and send vol engagement survey + questions on recognition

Link our github contributions page? Utilize the CRedIT model or similar?