Development Goals

Development Goals

We have three development goals or priorities at any one time. Each is made up of many projects or tasks that could be taken on by many different teams.

Chart Increasing Financial Sustainability of the Organization

Person Lifting Weights Establish a System for Professional Development

Page with Curl Create a Scalable Method to Give Credit to Volunteers

Feedback on Development Goals

These initiatives are established by our corporate board of directors (see  📃Governance and Organization ) based on feedback from our community. The methods of community input are explained in each goal.

You can see goals that aren't a current priority in  Previously Discussed Development Goals 

If you feel that these active goals aren't reflective of what we should be working on or that another goal should take a higher priority, you can give feedback here:

Comments in this form will be reviewed on a quarterly basis, one month ahead of our quarterly board meetings. We will hold a workshop in the month between and use it to form feedback and a proposal for discussion in that meeting. If you include your name in this form, you would be invited to these workshops.

Considered but Not Currently Pursued

Previously Completed Development Goals